"This mix is somewhere between club and listening, heavy on melody, style jumping & perc-happy" —@laurelhalo
Laurel Halo, one of the pioneers of the current electronic music scene, has done a Discwoman mix y’all. It’s utterly riveting and wish it was hours longer as in never-ending. Enjoy, your welcome, this fucking rules. She also just released her new album “dust” on hyperdub that hits the heart, critics are losing their minds <3 she'll be playing 3 shows in NYC this weekend, lucky you (if you even live here lol). Check out her Q+A and mix below:

Tell us about this mix:
this mix is somewhere between club and listening, heavy on melody, style jumping & perc-happy
When did you start DJing?
i started out as a freeform dj on WCBN-FM 88.3 in ann arbor. i stopped doing radio for a long time but picked it back up with a regular show on berlin community radio when i moved here. though i’ve played live in clubs, club djing only came more recently, a couple years ago, after getting over any irrational fear.
First gig:
a house party
Favorite party ever played:
have played a handful of great parties at ohm. great times at freerotation, golden pudel, trance party, cosie’s
Fave DJ:
too many to choose from, & sometimes the best is to find out who the incredible dj is after the fact, rather than going in with an expectation. seeing avamix (ikonika & scratcha dva) dj on a tank last summer through the streets of berlin was wild
Fave producer:
i suppose here i could touch on the greatness of susan rogers, prince’s longtime studio engineer …
Pet peeve when DJing:
bad sound, drunk creeps
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever gotten?
i’m lucky my music has helped people through crises, that’s the most special feedback to get
Place you’d like to play:
in the countryside, or somewhere on the beach
Something you want everyone to know about you:
excited to dive into my copy of steph kretowicz’s new book