Yaeji came to our attention through her fire set at the lot radio recently, then discovered that she is part of the Godmode crew (our office neighbors), then we asked her to do a mix and this shit is healing, spiritual and includes a Sisqo sample so we’re in love. She plays Umfang and Beta Librae’s Technofemnism party on Thursday. Check out her and Q+A:

Something you want everyone to know about you:
Music is the most inclusive language of all—I’ve realized this over and over. I really hope music continues to be the way i find others and others find me.
When did you start DJing?
I started about 3 years ago at the WRCT radio station.
First gig:
It was at a venue called Shadow Lounge in Pittsburgh that sadly no longer exists :'( I was spinning off of Traktor on my laptop and had a wrinkled piece of paper filled with notes for transitions.
Favorite party ever played:
One at a small record store in New York called Village Music World. At one point I dropped Jessy Lanza’s Kathy Lee and everyone started singing along!
Fave DJ:
SOSUPERSAM is someone that really inspired me when I started djing. She’ll always take up a special place in my heart.
Best record you've ever bought:
So tough!! Since I only get to share one, I’d have to say Mall Grab’s Alone EP on Shall Not Fade. There’s not a single Mall Grab jam that I haven’t enjoyed.
Pet peeve when DJing:
An inevitable one is when i’m too short for a booth and require something to stand on. A totally not inevitable one is when people have song requests.
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever gotten?
Someone told me that I remind them of when they first listened to Björk in high school! It was hard to believe!
Place you’d like to play:
At Cakeshop back in my hometown, Seoul :)